You can buy it from our website
1- Full spectrum: Antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, antiparasitic
High redox potential (ORP) of the electron from the atom to the mikroorgamiz malaria DNA tore cell wall structure acts on and kills all vital parts in seconds.
All bacteria in a short time more than 30 seconds, viruses, fungi and parasites cause of death. Because of these properties microorganisms can not develop resistance.
2- Efficacy on biofilms
Consisting of highly resistant microorganisms in the biofilm eradication. At the same time under Biofilm dormant (sleeping form) to kill microorganisms found on the form.
Do not use damaged packaging. Do not mix with other chemicals. Shelf life is 10 months sealed in the original container at room temperature and should be stored in a dry, cool place. It must be protected from direct sunlight, it should not be frozen. His mouth should be left open. The recommended storage temperature range: +4 – + 35 ° C
3- Activity on healing
Antiseptic solutions containing alcohol or iodine, in contrast to the damage to healthy tissue while Farmisol; the two basic cells responsible for tissue healing by accelerating the migration of fibroblasts and keratinocytes shorten the healing process of wounds.
4- Antihistamines, antipruritic and antiinflammatory effects
Redness, irritation, helps reduce symptoms such as pain.
5- Neutral pH:
Thus, allergic reactions, burning, stinging and does not cause pain sensation.
Externally it is to use. Smoking.
“Hypochlorous” IWGDF (The International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot) for 2015 is approved by diabetic foot infections among the products should be applied in treatment.
Following in all applications, it reduces the amount and duration of antibiotic use when used as an adjunct to existing antibiotics. Accelerate recovery.
Abrasion (abrasions)
Avulsion (break),
Contusion (Crush)
Laceration (tear)
In the treatment of post-op wound
Burns (1 degree 2 degree)
Skin ulcers (I-IV. Stage)
Wound irrigation
Vascular lesions induced
Diabetic sores
Pressure sores
Radiation wounds
Wound irrigation
Wound debridement of
The wound site humidification
Abscess in the treatment
Of fungal infections of the skin
Cleansing of the eye area
Cleaning of the ear environment
With feces or urine coming in contact with skin lesions
Farmisol areas that are experiencing the problem directly by spraying or pouring it should be applied 2 times a day until symptoms.
FARMISOL which has been licensed in the ministry and what class?
The Ministry of Health is authorized in FARMİSOL Biocidal Products in class “Antiseptic Wound and Skin Care” is.
With antiseptic disinfectants are products with different qualities. Disinfectants for cleaning inanimate surfaces and equipment, and antiseptics can be administered to the living tissues and to remove any microorganisms, products authorized in the area.
What are the active ingredients in FARMISOL?
FARMİSOL, from the cells the immune system of neutrophil ‘s, almost every day that a substance produced when fighting microbes “hypochlorous” comprises.
FARMISOL which can kill microorganisms and how?
FARMİSOL in killing germs are very fast and very efficient. Known pathogenic bacteria, fungi and viruses sn 12 18 sec. in 4 parts by affecting the different points.
FARMISOL resistant (biofilm) could kill microorganisms?
Yes, it can kill. Made in clinical studies, biofilm layer which kills microorganisms and biofilms form layers in both cases slowed the metabolism of microorganisms in seconds below this layer.
This feature has been in other products is also being used as an antiseptic solution so far?
Where there is no such properties so far not been proven by scientific studies.
The wound healing properties FARMISOL is there?
None of the products containing alcohol and iodine is used up to now, there is no evidence that heal wounds. Activities are limited to just clear the microbes in the environment. Unfortunately trying to do this cleaning, the integrity of living tissue in two basic cells that play a crucial role in giving major damage and are delaying wound healing.
However, FARMİSOL, while destroying microorganisms within seconds, provides rapid proliferation of keratinocytes and fibroblasts in wounds that play an important role in tissue integrity and accelerates wound healing.
Are there any side effect or toxic effect of FARMISOL?
In laboratory studies burning, stinging or no irritative side effects will create the sensation of pain is not in question. Direct wounds of the oral mucosa, it is possible to apply to the eye and the ear.
Is there any drug interactions FARMISOL?
No, because it interacts with other drugs into the systemic circulation is not in question.
Did FARMISOL leaves residues?
No, kills microorganisms in 12-18 seconds and return to the water within 2-3 minutes. Residuals, does not require washing.
What happens if swallowed FARMISOL?
Not experiencing any problems because it turns into water in 2-3 minutes.
Is there a colorant in FARMISOL, it does not stain?
Product is a colorless, it does not stain or contamination.
How FARMISOL usage in wound care?
Wound care twice a day (morning – evening), according to the feature region will be applied by spraying, pouring or by injecting into the cavity, the symptoms should be applied until last.
The necrotic tissue should be cleaned before topical application. It should be applied directly to the clean area.
What did people use areas outside the FARMISOL?
Nasal and throat infections (nasal irrigation)
gingival inflammation (periodontitis)
Eyelid problems (bacterial & viral conjunctivitis and blepharitis (Lash Root inflammation).
The lip herpes, oral ulcers and ulcers in
You can safely use all kind of problems that occur with different causes of skin integrity. Because a skin problem caused by allergies, even though that area due to inflammation and the itching will not occur. You can prevent this problem thanks to FARMİSOL.
How to use the external shape of the wound area FARMISOL?
FARMİSOL region that is experiencing the problem directly by spraying or pouring it should be applied twice a day until symptoms.
Farmisol Antiseptik Yara Bakım Solüsyonu
100 ml Sprey
(Ref No: F100FS001)
Farmisol Antiseptik Yara Bakım Solüsyonu
250 ml Sprey
(Ref No: F250FS001)
Farmisol Antiseptik Yara Bakım Solüsyonu
500 ml Sprey
(Ref No: F500FS001)
Farmisol Antiseptik Yara Bakım Solüsyonu
500 ml Cam VAC
(Ref No: F500FS002)
Farmisol Antiseptik Yara Bakım Solüsyonu
1000 ml
(Ref No: F1000FS001)
Belefor Doğal Göz Kapağı ve Kirpik Bakım Seti
100 ml Sprey + 50 Adet Pamuk
(Ref No: F100BF001)
Farmisol Göz Çevresi Antiseptik Solüsyon Seti
100 ml Sprey + 50 Adet Pamuk
(Ref No: F100FSG002)
Farmisol Dental Ağız ve Mukoza Antiseptik Solüsyonu
5000 ml
(Ref No: F5000FSD001)
Dr. Animal Yara Bakım Solüsyonu
100 ml Sprey + Damla
(Ref No: F100DA001)
Dr. Animal Yara Bakım Solüsyonu
250 ml Sprey
(Ref No: F250DA001)
Dr. Animal Yara Bakım Solüsyonu
500 ml Sprey
(Ref No: F500DA001)
Dr. Animal Yara Bakım Solüsyonu
1000 ml
(Ref No: F1000DA001)
Dr. Animal Yara Bakım Solüsyonu
5000 ml
(Ref No: F5000DA001)
Farmisol El, Yüz ve Cilt Antiseptik Solüsyonu
100 ml Sprey
(Ref No: F100FS002)
Farmisol El, Yüz ve Cilt Antiseptik Solüsyonu
200 ml Sprey
(Ref No: F200FS001)
Farmisol El, Yüz ve Cilt Antiseptik Solüsyonu
1000 ml Sprey
(Ref No: F1000FS002)
Farmisol El, Yüz ve Cilt Antiseptik Solüsyonu
5000 ml
(Ref No: F5000FS002)
Farmisol El, Yüz, Cilt Antiseptiği
ve Mendil Seti (12'li)
(Ref No: F05FSPC001)
Dr. Animal Yara Bakım Solüsyonu
500 ml Cam VAC
(Ref No: F500DA002)
Farmisol Hand, Face, Skin Antiseptic Solution
Towelette Set (12 pcs)
(Ref No: F05FSPC001)
Farmisol Antiseptic Wound Care Solution
100 ml Spray
(Ref No: F100FS001)
Farmisol Antiseptic Wound Care Solution
250 ml Spray
(Ref No: F250FS001)
Farmisol Antiseptic Wound Care Solution
500 ml Spray
(Ref No: F500FS001)
Farmisol Antiseptic Wound Care Solution
500 ml GlassVAC
(Ref No: F500FS002)
Farmisol Antiseptic Wound Care Solution
1000 ml
(Ref No: F1000FS001)
Belefor Natural Eyelid and Eyelash Care Solution
100 ml Spray + 50 Pieces Cotton
(Ref No: F100BF001)
Farmisol Eye Contour Antiseptic
100 ml Spray + 50 Pieces Cotton
(Ref No: F100FSG002)
Farmisol Mouth and Mucosa Antiseptic Solution
5000 ml
(Ref No: F5000FSD001)
Dr. Animal Wound and Skin Care Solution
100 ml Spray + Dropplet
(Ref No: F100DA001)
Dr. Animal Wound and Skin Care Solution
250 ml Spray
(Ref No: F250DA001)
Dr. Animal Wound and Skin Care Solution
500 ml Spray
(Ref No: F500DA001)
Dr. Animal Wound and Skin Care Solution
1000 ml
(Ref No: F1000DA001)
Dr. Animal Wound and Skin Care Solution
5000 ml
(Ref No: F5000DA001)
Farmisol Hand, Face and Skin Antiseptic Solution
100 ml Spray
(Ref No: F100FS002)
Farmisol Hand, Face and Skin Antiseptic Solution
200 ml Spray
(Ref No: F200FS001)
Farmisol Hand, Face and Skin Antiseptic Solution
1000 ml Spray
(Ref No: F1000FS002)
Farmisol Hand, Face and Skin Antiseptic Solution
5000 ml
(Ref No: F5000FS002)
Dr. Animal Wound and Skin Care Solution
500 ml Glass VAC
(Ref No: F500DA002)
Farmisol El, Yüz, Cilt Antiseptiği
ve Mendil Seti (12'li)
(Ref No: F05FSPC001)
Farmisol Hand, Face, Skin Antiseptic Solution
Towelette Set (12 pcs)
(Ref No: F05FSPC001)
Farmisol Dental Ağız ve Mukoza Antiseptik Solüsyonu
250 ml
(Ref No: F250FSGR001)
Farmisol Mouth and Mucosa Antiseptic Solution
250 ml
(Ref No: F250FSGR001)
Farmisol Automatic Hand Sanitizer Stand
5000 ml
(Ref No: F250FSGR001)
Farmisol Otomatik El Dezenfektan Standı
5000 ml
(Ref No: F000DS001)